Service of Process

Service of Process is the act of delivering official papers, such as summonses, subpoenas, writs, judgments, affidavits and orders for the court system, attorneys and parties to a litigation. Process Servers are regulated by the State of Florida and required to be licensed and bonded in the region where they serve. Failure to secure the services of a licensed and bonded firm or individual can make service null and void, causing potentially huge problematic ramifications for you and your client. Process servers must sign a notarized affidavit upon completion of service detailing how, when, where and to whom the documents were delivered. This affidavit is a legal document and must be filed with the court of jurisdiction.

We are bonded and every investigator on our team is certified and licensed by the Chief Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of Florida, which encompasses Escambia County, Santa Rosa County, Okaloosa County and Walton County. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need a legal process server qualified in the 1st Judicial District of Florida.